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FDA Warns against Goldenseal Root Powder

Lawsuit News from OnderLaw

Maison Terre goldenseal root powder contains dangerous pathogens linked to infant death.

Monday, August 17, 2020 - Goldenseal root powder packaged and distributed by Little Rock, Arkansas-based Maison Terre has been found to contain several potentially dangerous pathogens and has been associated with the death of an infant. Despite two warnings from the FDA to recall the product, Maison Terre has, to-date, failed to take action, so the FDA has now issued an advisory for healthcare professionals and consumers to immediately stop using the product.

The FDA tested the product following the death of a newborn child, whose umbilical cord stump was treated with the product. The goldenseal root powder was found to be contaminated with a number of microbial pathogens, including dangerous bacteria. Though the pathogens can cause serious infections or death in anyone, people whose immune systems are weak or compromised and infants are especially vulnerable.

The FDA issued recommendations to recall the product to Maison Terre August 5 and August 14, 2020, but the company has failed to remove the dangerous herbs from markets.

Goldenseal root is found in heavily wooded areas spanning from Vermont to Arkansas. It is used as an herbal treatment for a striking number of ailments, including respiratory ailments, digestive problems, urinary tract infections, internal bleeding, menstrual pain, liver disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, earaches, pink eye, and many other problems. It is also applied to the skin to treat rashes, infections, acne, and other skin conditions, and combined with water to be used as a gargle to treat mouth sores.

Though it has proven to be ineffective for this use, some people use goldenseal believing it will cause false-negative results for drug tests, including tests used to detect marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, or other illegal substances.

The FDA recommends that consumers discontinue use of goldenseal root powder sold by Maison Terre and contact a medical professional if signs of infection or illness occur.

Contact OnderLaw at 800-RxWatch if you or a loved one have been injured by Miason Terre goldenseal root powder or any other dangerous drug or product. We hold companies accountable when they put profits over people, and we will fight for you.

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